Hello! I'm Mr. Slate and here you can find the patch notes for v.0.9.1 of the MoonWard Demo! This is the latest and as of today current MoonWard patch version.
The focus for this patch was the controller support, some smaller features and polish.
Lastly, before I continue, you can download the latest version of the MoonWard Demo here!
Please consider joining my Patreon, for early access content and many more perks, or donating through my Ko-fi page!
Let's get to the patch notes!
1. Controller support.
Yeah, I've finally added controller support. This is the first time I've done that so I'm cautiously optimistic. It's been on my mind for ages but I never had the time to commit to it. To be fair, the main reason I implemented it right now is to be able to demo MoonWard at a live event.
I've made it so it's primarily mouse emulation but you get the entire controller in brawls! I think it came up quite well. One thing I should mention is I tried it with 3 controllers I've got but I can't guarantee it'll work with anything else. Turns out controllers are tricky to map. Who would have known!
Joking aside, I expect there to be issues when you awesome people start trying it out. There is also possibly a more blanket solution that I can add in the future but I need to look into it before committing!
For now, I'd say try the different mapping schemes I've provided and if none work for you please let me know what controller you use and I'll try and add support in the future!
2. County based renown.
I mentioned this when I was doing the renown overhaul. Essentially you get a different renown score, title and bonuses for each county. You can view these in your character sheet like before. Your starting renown in each county is based on the renown bonus you get from your background. That's about it, everything else renown wise works the same.
3. Skipping the plot.
This is another feature that's been on my mind for a while. What this means is that as soon as you get bounties (3 main stories in, after the welcome, tutorial and first brawl) you can ignore the main story completely!
At certain levels your MoonWard rank will increase and you'll be allowed to travel to new counties (only the first one is enabled in the demo)!
I realise this entirely ignores the plot I've worked on so hard, but I felt it should be a valid way to play the game and didn't want to punish players who have finished or aren't interested in the main story.
4. More opponent armaments.
There was a not insignificant amount of potential opponents that didn't have unique weapons. That was a holdover from the original version where everyone had weapons based on what the player could use. So you had wolves with longswords. Yeah, I've fixed all of that. All creatures now have unique natural weapons and shields with icons, names and everything.
5. More cheats.
I added a handful more cheats to the game. If your become a paying Patreon member, you'll get them in due time.
6. Balance updates.
A lot of the rejuvenating items were a bit off in their values making them too powerful or weak. Also auras may have been a bit too powerful so I nerfed them a bit. I also touched up the damage on some weapons for a more even DPS spread among them.
7. Fixed bugs and typos.
There were several serious stragglers from last patch, and some typos to be honest. I'm finding less and less bugs as time goes on and it's kind of weird. My gut is telling me it's bias but I do test the game extensively before and after releases... So I guess it's just getting more and more stable with each version!

I'll try my best to keep the pace of these patches up and bring new features every 3 weeks until release... Which is getting closer by the way!
For now, though, thank you all for your time! I work hard on these patches so please give the MoonWard Demo a try!
Have a great week and like always,
stay awesome!