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We're working on a Reveal Trailer for our game!

Writer's picture: Slaveyko SlaveykovSlaveyko Slaveykov

Hey everyone! It's Mr. Slate for another weekly blog!

But first a bit of housekeeping. I'll try posting blogs on Mondays instead of Sundays for a few weeks to space out the content. I feel like I got a bit complacent with the Saturday/Sunday posts so I'm going to try and fix that too. Now back to the main feature!

We're working on a reveal trailer for our game! Yup I'm so excited it had to be said twice! For those unfamiliar - we're working hard on an as of yet unannounced Action RPG for mobile (and maybe Steam)! The script and animatic were completed last week and the actual trailer is now in production! The art you might've seen in our socials is from the animatic - don't worry the final trailer will look (and sound) much better than that :D.

The process has been interesting and kind of scary (like most other new business/game things so far). As a games developer I've done some cinematics in the past and that certainly helped with putting together the animatic but aside from that this is a completely different beast. I've always been the one putting together work based on someone else's specifications. I've never had to put together the specs myself. Or put reference materials together. Or write the script and plot. Or do all the other little bits. I definitely have a new appreciation for the producer role.

The trailer itself will be purely world building. There won't be any gameplay but by the time it's complete there will be plenty of gameplay footage available so that shouldn't be an issue! Other than that, there's not much I can share without spoiling it except for it will feature an eye-rolling barkeep. You'll have to wait and see :P. Speaking of that - the trailer will come out some time in February so not long to wait at least!

On the technical side I can't really speak for the production of the actual trailer. I did however build the animatic so I can speak about that briefly. I used Unity to put it together and there are basically two ways you can do this - the easy hacky way or the hard proper way. The hacky way is using one MonoBehaviour class with all references and a sequence of coroutines for the visuals and audio. The proper way is to have a fairly simple system of sequential, abstracted actions. I did it the fast way because I have deadlines. I feel guilty and ashamed. I have planned some time around the trailer release to address technical debt and this is one of the main culprits at the moment. Why am I planning on building this into a system you ask? Maybe I have plans for more trailers in the future... I tentatively answer.

Now for the bad news. Unfortunately this trailer business took the majority of last week so there wasn't much progress on the game.

The good news is now that that's out of the way we are back working on the game at full speed! There should be some exciting stuff coming out this week so stick around!

I believe this is all for now. Once again, hope you enjoyed my ramblings :) I'll see you next Monday and have a great week!


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